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Candle Care

When lighting your candle for the first time make sure your candle is on a flat surface and that is allowed to burn until the wax pools to the edge of the glass. This is very important as this forms a memory and your candle will essentially echo the same portion of wax that was first melted during subsequent burns.  By forming this memory your candle will burn evenly and will prevent tunnelling.

Dust can contribute to an uneven burn so we recommend replacing your candles lid between burns.  Before replacing the lid make sure the candle is fully extinguished and wax is solid in the jar. 

Before relighting your candle make sure the wicks are upright and are trimmed to 7mm.  Just as dust can harm your candle so can soot or other debris, after trimming the wick remove any soot or wick pieces out of your candle by dusting it.  If your wick is leaning and crookedly shaped you can recentre the wick, this is best done when the wax is still relatively soft to avoid breaking the wick. Please be gentle in this process and take your time, holding the wick in position for a few seconds so that it doesn’t fall over again.  Once the wax is dry the wick should stay centred.  A crooked wick can cause uneven burning and tunnelling as can an un-trimmed wick.  Re-centring the wick can be done in the following ways;

  • If the wick is cool enough you can push against it with your finger.
  • You can use a spoon if the wick is too hot to place your finger on.

Don’t blow your candles out, this causes a gust of air which will spread any debris into the wax pool.  It’s best to use a candle snuffer or sprinkling iodized salt into the wax, this will allow the candle to go out slowly and evenly preparing an even layer of wax for the next time your burn your candle.